Input | Required | Description |
github-token | No | This is your GitHub token, it's already available to your GitHub action |
semver | Yes | The version you want to bump. For more info please refer to npm semver docs. Use auto to automatically determine the bump. version |
commit-message | No | The commit message template. The keyword {version} will be replaced with the new version. (Default: Release {version} ) |
npm-token | No | This is your npm Publish token. Read how to create access tokens. Required only if you want to release to npm. If you omit this, no npm release will be published. |
ngrok-token | No | This is your ngrok auth token. Read how to create ngrok tokens. Required only if you want to use an alternative approach to verify your npm OTP. If you provide ngrok-token then you will get a OTP verification URL where you can enter your npm OTP. |
optic-url | No | URL if you have a custom application that serves OTP. (Default: <Optic service URL>) |
optic-token | No | This is your Optic token. You can add your npm secret to the Optic app, generate a token and pass it to this input. (If skipped, no OTP is requested while publishing. Useful when you want to use Automation token instead of Publish token. Read more |
actor-name | No | The name you want to see in the new release commit. (Default: User who triggered the release workflow) |
actor-email | No | The email you want to see in the new release commit. (Default: User who triggered the release workflow) |
npm-tag | No | If you want to release to the npm with a custom tag, say next . (Default: latest ) |
build-command | No | An optional build commit to run after the version bump and before releasing the package |
api-url | No | GitHub App URL. You wouldn't need to set this unless you're deploying a custom GitHub app instead of optic-release-automation. (Default: ) |
app-name | No | GitHub App name. You also wouldn't need to set this unless you're deploying a custom GitHub app. (Default: optic-release-automation[bot] ) |
sync-semver-tags | No | If you want to keep the major and minor versions git tags synced to the latest appropriate commit. Note: it will be evaluated as false in case of a prerelease. (Default: false ) |
notify-linked-issues | No | An optional flag to enable an automatic comment on all issues linked to each release so that people following those issues get notified of the code being released. (Default: true ) |
artifact-path | No | Set this input to the distribution folder or file you want to add as the main asset for your release. It will be downloadable from the release page and a preview of it will be available in the pull request. |
version-prefix | No | A prefix to apply to the version number, which reflects in the tag and GitHub release names. (Default: 'v') |
prerelease-prefix | No | A prefix to apply to the prerelease version number. |
base-tag | No | Choose a specific tag release for your release notes. This input allows you to specify a base release (for example, v1.0.0) and will include all changes made in releases between the base release and the latest release. This input is only used for generating release notes and has no functional implications on the rest of the workflow. |
provenance | No | Set as true to have npm generate a provenance statement. See Provenance section above for requirements. (Default: false ) |
access | No | Set as public or restricted to change an npm package's access status when next published. |