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Get Started

Begin your journey by following simple steps to set up Optic for your development environment.

Installing the GitHub App

Install the GitHub App and grant access to the repository you want to automate releases.

Setting up the Optic release action

Create a GitHub workflow which uses the Optic action. The following snippet shows sample code for a simple setup.

name: release

        description: 'The semver to use'
        required: true
    types: [closed]

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      contents: write
      issues: write
      pull-requests: write
      - uses: nearform-actions/optic-release-automation-action@v4
          semver: ${{ github.event.inputs.semver }}

Creating a release

Run the action manually using workflow_dispatch as shown in the image:

This will cause the following to happen:

  1. Repository source code is checked out
  2. Package version is bumped as per the semver input configuration
  3. Changes are committed and pushed to a new branch
  4. A pull request like the one below and a release draft are created with all the release details

Publishing a release

Once a maintainer reviews the pull request and decides to merge it the github release will be published and a new npm version will also be published if applicable.

Using OTP in deploys

You can learn more about using 2FA when publishing releases with optic on the Mobile app docs.